INSIDE THE GREENHOUSE | Re-telling climate change stories


Honest Intentions

This film does a good job at highlighting the difference between a life with a large carbon footprint vs. a life with a smaller carbon footprint. The film does a good job at giving the audience ways to be more climate conscious in their everyday lives.

The Choice is Yours

This short film is about easily changing our habits to live a greener life. The story follows two college aged kids through a day in their lives, one consumes a lot more than the other. This film is funny and great to show college students how they can help our environment in their everyday lives.

New Rules

This short film is a story about two college students who consume very high amounts of energy. Their landlord comes to inform them they need to cut back on their consumption.


Snow is about how Colorado’s economy will be affected by the decrease in snowfall. The producer shows how mountain resorts have already have had issues and have needed to create artificial snow. This film does a good job at explaining the decrease in snowfall affects more than just skiers and snowboarders, but the entire Colorado community.

A Crude Perspective

This is a great film about the consumption of CO2 by humanity. The producer parallels beautiful nature to the dark reality of society's burning of fossil fuels. The film does a good job at compelling the viewer to learn more.

The Elixir of Life

This film is a comedy about how much energy we consume in our everyday lives. The producer views energy consumption as an addiction and helps a young man overcome that addiction. This film is very humorous for older audiences.


This film is a call to action for the divest movement on the University of Colorado campus. The filmmaker explains how the president of the University has millions of CU dollars invested in his own industry, fossil fuels. Students at the university are demanding their money be invested in more clean and sustainable industries.

Climate Change Channel

This film is about a fantasy channel reporting about current scientific findings. The channel reports on a leak of a video where a scientist discusses weather manipulation with a war general in the U.S. government.

Simple Energy

In this short film, the producer offers a unique solution to help people reduce their energy consumption. Simple energy offers ideas as to how to interact with energy in a different manner.

Where's my mom??

Teddy the polar bear cub loses his family due to melting sea ice, and explains how renewable energy can help save his habitat.